
Originally uploaded by devastationstudios.
There are a few things about this bird I felt I should clarify. First off, while he is wearing what looks to be address shirt with a tie, they are actually clothes obtained directly from the garbage. Therefore, they are obviously not a sign of wealth. As I mentioned before, most of the birds are poor.
I met this bird on the subway. He was having an argument with a homeless man. The bird had dropped change into the homeless man's guitar case, and went to retrieve it. Understandably furious, the homeless man took offense and initiated an argument. Just as the bird was preparing to punch the man in the mouth, I intervened. Grabbing the bird by the wrist, I shouted "chill out dude!" the bird, Frederick, was still angry, but took my advice anyway.
I took Frederick with me down to the next car, sat him down, and asked him what was going on. He reluctantly informed me that he was having some serious difficulty adjusting to normal society.
You see, this particular bird was raised on a farm by a colony of ants. This is actually a fairly unusual situation, and having peaked my interest, I decided to befriend him. I decided to help him assimilate into society. I sat him down in my apartment for some questioning, which is where I took this photo. In questioning him, he revealed that he had always dreamed of being a famous painter. I decided to let him paint me, so I could judge whether or not he could make a career out of it. I was initially struck when I noticed tears collecting under his eyes as he painted me. The passion was evident in his face, and I really hoped that his painting would be well done.
Even so, I was not particularly surprised to learn that he didn't have a great deal of talent. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but at the same time I didn't want to lead him on. I decided that it would be best to be blunt so he didn't get any false hopes. Apparently I was too blunt, and he ran screaming from my apartment, and I haven't seen him since.
Frederick, if you are reading this, let me know how you are doing and if there is anything I can do to help. If anybody reading this knows Frederick or how I can get in touch with him, please leave a comment.
Labels: frederick painting painter bird
i saw a bird that fits frederick's description by grapevine lake the other day. he seemed ... inwardly retrospective ... lost even, like maybe his dreams would never be realized. i watched him for a bit, kicking rusted beer cans by the lake's edge, and then i had to go. haven't seen him since.
hey, it was interesting for me to read, and having heard your podcast in class last time, it makes me wonder what kind of story you can come up with if the class put down their ideas in the website??
I can already see a very interesting story forming, and it will be unique to our class.
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