The Baseball Game

The Baseball Game
Originally uploaded by devastationstudios.
I don't know a whole lot about this bird except that it was a bit of a social outcast. I don't know its name, or gender for that matter, but I saw it at a baseball game, stumbling around on the stairs in the stands. I walked over to try to help it, or at least ask what was going on, but it immediately vomited all over the place. I suspect that this bird is deranged, or at least has some sort of mental disability. It didn't seem to be able to speak coherently – it made noises, but nothing intelligible.
Not that I'm complaining, it was actually a relief to not have to talk to a bird, or convince them to let me photograph them. It just stumbled around like some sort of sick animal while I photographed it. I felt quite sorry for it actually, as other fans in the stands were throwing empty plastic cups, hot dogs, and other assorted items at it, pointing and laughing. When struck, it did make some sort of noise, and it instinctually flinched, but it was clearly very confused.
I didn't know how it got into the game, until after the game had ended. One of the players of the winning team, I believe his name was Babe Ruth, introduced the creature as his wife. I guess this would signify it as female, but it really didn't exhibit any feminine characteristics. Either way, it was definitely either ill or mentally challenged, and I couldn't help but feel that this "Babe Ruth" was taking advantage of it.
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