Bank Robbery

Bank Robbery
Originally uploaded by devastationstudios.
This bird may not look dangerous, but it certainly is. I was making a bank deposit when I first ran into this bird. A couple windows down, this bird was making a withdrawal – a very large one that included money that didn't belong to it. I took this shot as he revealed his knife to the teller, threatening to use it if they did not give him the money. Unfortunately for this particular bird, there was a thick layer of glass between him and the teller, who simply sounded the alarm. Police took the bird down in seconds.
You likely will notice the fact that this bird has six arms. I don't know the source of the anomaly, but it is something I have never seen before in any other birds. From what I saw, it seemed to be able to use all of its arms with the same mobility of any other bird. This didn't seem to help him though, as he was still apprehended by the police without much of a fight.
I visited this bird ten months later, and he seemed to be quite mellow. I don't know if this is a result of the imprisonment, or of he had always been mellow. He told me that he had been on speed when he robbed the bank, which is why it was such a terrible and impulsive plan. I believe him, and from the little time I spent with him, I got the impression that he was cold and calculating, and that as soon as he was released he would be back to robbing banks. He even told me that he had been raising a tornado in his house since it was a baby, and that when it was a full grown tornado, he would use it to propel himself, while on a bicycle with a chainsaw on the front, through the vault door to access the money.
On my way out, I hit the guard in the back of the head with a bat, took his keys, and threw them in the bird's cell.
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